Friday 20 December 2019

Angel Reiki

Angelic Reiki is a beautiful, gentle and powerful healing energy system that works with the Angels of Light. It works on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to our entire energy systems and this can bring about an improvement in many aspects of our lives.
When you have an Angelic Reiki Treatment you can experience for yourself the Angels of lights’ powerful and beautiful energy. 
During a treatment you may experience the Angels energy for yourself in unexpected ways as some clients can see the Angels colours, others may even feel the Angels energies touching their own. Some will just feel a coolness around them and some may not have any awareness at all of the Angels light energy around them.
If you do not experience the Angels around you in any of the ways stated above this does not mean the Angels of Light are not working on your energies throughout your treatment as they are still there to share their energies of light with you.
It is a deeply relaxing treatment that will leave you feeling joyful, relaxed, centred and empowered.
When Angel Reiki Energy from the awesome Angels of light flows through a therapist’s awareness it is touched by that awareness, but with this healing energy system the healing energy comes directly from the Angels, so it is then given to the client in a very pure state.  The energy that flows to the client is always for the clients highest good, the therapist part here is simply connect with the Angels to hold this space in the light.The healing symbols used for this treatment are integrated through sacred geometry. A gentle hands on or off depending on the clients needs or preference is carried out with the client as I connect to the client’s own energetic system or greater/higher self awareness.

How is the Treatment carried out 

When having this treatment, you will be lying down on a massage bed, relaxed and fully clothed. I will then bring in the various angels individual healing energies, depending on what is needed for each individual client in a session.
For the most part, the energies are brought in with my hands placed over and above the body, however from time to time, there may be some hands on the body healing as well. 

Any hands-on healing is very light and is totally non-invasive you will just feel a very light touch and never at inappropriate places.

The Angels do all the healing work during this treatment my job is simply to hold this precious space. When the client is laying comfortably on the massage bed I will ask them to gently close their eyes, relax their hands and feet then I will then ask the client to take three deep healing breaths

1)    Breathing in deep love for themselves and breathing out stress
2)    Breathing in the awesome Angels love and breathing out any toxic or negative energy held in the body
3)    Breathing in all the Angels love and then breathing out any unease in the body.

This is where I will then follow any instructions of the Angels which have presented themselves purely for your treatment. In Angelic Reiki the Angels of Light are totally responsible for the healing process without any interference by me. This is where I would just simply hold the space.

The positions used in Angelic Reiki that would connect the client to their unconditional love of their Higher self
This is where I will then follow any instructions of the Angels which have presented themselves purely for your treatment. In Angelic Reiki the Angels of Light are totally responsible for the healing process without any interference by me. This is where I would just simply hold the space.
There is one hand position used in Angelic Reiki that would connect the client to their unconditional love of their Higher self

Angelic Reiki treatment is : 70 Euros 

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