Crystal Grid Therapy

Crystal Grid Therapy 

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What Is A Chakra Balancing Crystal Grid Treatment 
A Chakra Balancing Crystal Treatment is a deeply soothing and relaxing treatment carried out using crystals and the energies of the Angels. These crystals have each been programmed to bring the chakra that they work on back into balance with the assistance of the Angels energies so the client can go on with her life feeling less stressed, more aware, awake and in balance. 
This treatment is carried out to recharge and renew the body's energy centers bringing the client back into a state of calm and peace.
Any method of healing with the use of crystals placed on or around the body would be referred to as Crystal Healing but crystal gridding brings this further. Crystal gridding can be used for a hands on therapy but can also be used to grid your home and property calling in Protection, Abundance, Health Wealth, Work etc... 

This form of healing was in place as far back as 5000 years ago but is re-emerging due to the negative side effects of today's medicines plus the fact that its been found to be so effective
Since the earliest times, crystals have been used to heal and restore balance. They help in releasing and clearing negative energy, thereby assisting in energy healing.
The earliest records of crystal healing have been traced back to Ancient Egypt. India’s Ayurvedic records and traditional Chinese medicine also claim healing with the use of crystals, dating back to 5000 years ago.
What are Crystals?
Crystals are nature’s gift to man that augment healing. Crystals are found in all shapes, sizes, colours and composition. Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance. They owe their unique qualities to their mineral content, their inherent geometry and the colour frequency they emit.
Crystals and the Human Body
The human body has a complex electromagnetic system, also known as a vibrational energy system. Nature has created crystals to be perfect electromagnetic conductors, capable of interacting with our electromagnetic system. Crystals have been found to carry vibration that activates certain energy centres within our electromagnetic system called chakras, having a positive effect on our entire body systems.
Crystal Healing may benefit:
- Stress - Anxiety and depression - Relaxation - Menstrual problems/PMS - Headaches and migraines - Digestive problems - Pain relief - Insomnia - Fatigue - Memory - Concentration - Negativity - Relationships - Wealth - Learning difficulties
How Do Crystals Help With This Treatment
Each crystal used in the treatment will have been programmed to work in conjunction with a specific Angels energy to help to rebalance the energy centre or chakra that each crystal is related to. 
What is a Chakra 
There are seven major energy centres in the body each one of these energy centres play a role in how we live our life
The seven major chakras are each linked to particular colours. The colours are significant to the way each chakra is understood. They are similar to the colours of the rainbow; starting from red and ending with violet. The colours each reveal the positive characteristics of a chakra when it is balanced and the negative effects and characteristics when it is not balanced. This should help us with the different colours that are associated with each chakra and the effects of each as they affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Base (Root): First Chakra:
This chakra is represented by the red colour. It is located at the point between the sexual organs and the anus. Red is a symbol of self awareness. It shows that all life and survival comes from the earth. Red gives power and energy on all levels. The positive meaning of the red chakra colour includes strength of the will, security, courage and pioneering. The negative meaning on the other hand means fearfulness, insecurity, self pity and aggressiveness.
Navel (Sacral): Second Chakra:
The second chakra is represented by the orange colour. Its location is about two inches below the navel. Orange colour is the symbol of success. It is regarded as the best emotional stimulant because it makes us independent and social as well as giving us the freedom to be ourselves while expanding our interests and activities. In a positive way, orange chakra colour is joyous, sociable, creative and independent. On the negative side, it makes people over-dependent, withdrawn, destructive and despondent
Solar Plexus: Third Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is situated below the sternum. It is associated with the yellow colour. This colour is regarded as a creative colour and it relates to how we feel about ourselves and how we feel others feel about us. By connecting us to our mental self it increases self awareness and stimulates interest and curiosity. Its positive meaning includes confidence, optimism, alertness and good humour. On the negative side it makes people develop an inferiority complex, sarcasm, pessimism and being over analytical.
Heart: Fourth Chakra:
The heart chakra is associated with the colour green. It is located at the centre of the chest. Green is regarded as the reservoir of love. This is a place that controls giving and receiving unconditionally. It cleanses and balances our energy, giving us feelings of renewal and harmony. The positive aspects of the green colour are – compassion, generosity, harmony/balance and love. The negative includes indifference, jealousy, miserly and bitterness.
Throat: Fifth Chakra
The fifth chakra is located at the throat. It is represented by the colour blue. Blue symbolises self expression. This means the ability to communicate our needs and requirements in a way that we can be heard and understood. Truth, purpose, relaxing and pacifying are some of the best ways to describe the colour blue and the fifth chakra. The positive aspects of blue include loyalty, trustworthiness, tactfulness and calmness. The negative aspect includes unfaithfulness, un-trustworthiness, coldness and self-righteousness.
Third Eye: Sixth Chakra
The sixth chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead; in-between the eye brows. It is represented by the indigo colour. This chakra colour symbolises self responsibility in a way that is mature. The positive aspects include being highly intuitive, faithfulness, clear sightness, integrity and an orderly mind. The negative aspects include – inability to trust intuition, scattered mind, blinkered vision and being inconsiderate.
Crown: Seventh Chakra
The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head. It is represented by the colour violet. This chakra relates to self knowledge and spiritual awareness. The positive aspects include reverence for life, sacrificing self in serving others, idealism and the ability to select the right spiritual path. The negative aspect shows no concern for others, vanity and feelings of superiority. This major chakra often becomes fully active between the ages of 43 to 49 years. 

Crystal grid & Angelic love Treatment     : 85:00


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